Friday, February 18, 2011


It's Friday!  TGIF!  I've been waiting all week for today.  For some reason this week has felt very long.   I'm not sure why.  I do not have a lot planned for the weekend, which is good.

Tonight, Son is going to a classmates house to sleep over and work on a class project.  Foxy, Daughter and I will be going to the last pep band basketball game.

Tomorrow I have to go to the DMV and have my license renewed.  Then Daughter and I are going to watch a friend in a dance competition.  Later in the evening, I think Daughter and friends are going to see the Bieber movie and Son is going to go see a movie with friends.  Foxy has to work all day.

Sunday is church and the Daytona 500.  Sounds like a good day of laundry and rest for me.

  • Lady Gaga, you really want our attention, didn't you?  Really, an egg?  Ecentric, much? 

  • Cudos to the high school wrestler that would not wrestle a girl for the State Championship.  Standing up for what you believe is awesome.  Really.

  • Really, Dale Earnhardt, Jr.?  Fifteen minutes into practice on this last week before the big race and you wreck?  Now you have lost your starting spot on the pole because you can't get the car fixed?  Bummer.
  • Really?   Foxy, Son and I are the only three people I know that watches Criminal Minds.  Really?  I read that this week people think it is depressing.  Well, I am always just happy to not be dealing with serial killers and their torture.  Really?

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